Articles on: Create Class

Cancelling Vs Deleting the class

Cancelling & Deleting the Class

Cancelling class:

Cancelling class is a 2 step process.

Click on "Cancel" for that particular class

Click on "Cancel this class only"

This would cancel only that particular class and a notification would be automatically sent to the student about the cancelled class.

Once the class is cancelled, when the student comes to the site and signs in, they would see it as "Cancelled"

Deleting classes:

When you delete a class, the student would not be notified automatically.

Upcoming classes -> Go to the specific class -> Click on "Delete"

It would open up a Pop-up window that would give you the following options:

a. This class
b. This and Upcoming Classes [This would show up when you have created recurring classes]
c. All classes [Except Finished class] [This would show up when you have created recurring classes]

You can select the appropriate option.

What does each of these Delete Options mean: Refer to Options in "Delete" class

Please note: whenever you cancel or delete the classes, no check-ins would be deducted from the student and the validity period also does not change.

Updated on: 05/12/2022

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