Articles on: Plans & Pricing

Call To Action [CTA] for Pricing

When do you use this:

If you want your students to have some other payment options other than through PracticeNow.
Please note: If you are providing the option of payment to be made outside of PracticeNow by using this button, subscription will not be generated automatically. You will have to create a manual subscription for the student.

When you just want to show them the details but do not want them to pay.
Eg: You take monthly classes from 1st to the end of the month. Since its a progressive class, you do not want any students to join during the month. But you want them to see the plans and the starting date until you publish the pricing that will allow them to buy it immediately. You can instead of showing the "Fee" button, show "Learn More" or "Email me" or "Chat to know more" etc.. and give your whatsapp link or the link to your brochure.

So when they click the button in the student site, it will redirect them to the whatsapp web or the link shared here.

Steps to set it up:

Create a Pricing for a plan. Go to Studio Info --> Plans and Pricing --> Edit CTA
Edit CTA link in Plans and Pricing page

Click on "Edit CTA". If you don't want to show the "Pay" button for students and you want to take them to another link out of PracticeNow, do the following:

Give "Button Caption" and URL and update.
Give the Button Name and URL for the CTA

You will see "Custom CTA applied" against the plan in Plans and Pricing page.

Custom CTA applied

How is it shown in the Student Site:

For students the button will be displayed with the text given instead of "Pay" and the on clicking the button the student will be taken to the URL given while creating the CTA.
Sample button for a custom CTA

Updated on: 20/05/2024

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