How to add manual check-ins?
Go to Check-ins -Recent Classes -Click on "Check-ins" of the specific class -"Add Check-in" Please refer to this short video on how to add manual checkins readersUnpaid Check-ins Subscriptions
When the student buys a limited plan: Deducts the unpaid classes from the new plan before activating the new subscription. Set the start date of the new plan to the current date. When the student buys an unlimited plan: Sets the start date of the new plan to the first Unpaid Class date.Few readersRecent Classes
Admin Dashboard - Check-ins - Recent Classes Recent Classes: It will have all the recent classes that happened in your Studio along with the Teacher's name and the the no of Students Checked in. Types of Check-ins Automatic Check-ins These are the automatic Check-ins that happen through the system. Manual Check-ins There may be at times that you would want to do a ManualFew readers