Where can I see the emails that are being sent to the students
Students -Messages -Sent History Here you would see all the emails including the automated emails that are being sent to your customer. The same are also sent as notifications to the Team members - where the Notifications have been turned one.Few readersCommunication with your students
There are 2 ways of communicating with your Student through PracticeNow: Individual WhatsApp Messages These are using the whatsapp icon that you would see next to the students name. On clicking this, it would open up a new tab on your web browser for you to communicate. Emails Send broadcast emails to a certain segment of Students. Steps: Create Segment Student -Segment Go to messages Student -Messages and Compose a new messageFew readersMessage to the student access the Video Recordings
If yours is a gmail account Steps: Login into .practicenow.us Click on "Class Recordings" tab Click on "Watch" If you are using gmail, ensure that you are logged into the same email id in that device. If yours is a non-gmail account Steps: If you are using any other email account like yahoo, hotmail etc , create a google account with the same email id, please follow the steps: here (https://practicenow.crisp.help/en/article/how-to-create-a-non-gmaiFew readers