Want to give Free/Discounted classes for Family and/or Friends
Steps: When you are giving to multiple students on a regular basis
Ask the students to "Register" on your site <yourstudioname>.practicenow.us
Create Segment [Students -> Segments -> New Segment -> Manual -> Add the students of beginners eligible for Discount/Free classes]
Create Plan [Studio Info -> Plans & Pricing -> New Plan eg name "Family and Friends" [Restrict option - select the newly created segment]
Create Pricing [Give the discounted price here or if its free, make the amount as "0". Ensure "Make it Public" is checked]
This way only the student who is in the segment would be able to view the Free/Discounted plan.
The above steps is a one time effort from your end and the students can keep renewing their subscriptions as and when they expire.
They would need to login and Click on "Fees" button -> Click on "Pay"
Their subscription would be created and they can go ahead and "Join" the classes
Steps: When you are giving to a specific student or once in a while
Create a manual subscription for this student with the amount as "0".
Please click on the here to create a manual subscription:[ Steps to create manual subscription to give free classes](https://practicenow.crisp.help/en/article/how-to-give-free-classes-for-students-rfp4nl/)
Please Note:
When your students clicks on "Pay" they would not be taken to RazorPay window when the amount is "0".
Ask the students to "Register" on your site <yourstudioname>.practicenow.us
Create Segment [Students -> Segments -> New Segment -> Manual -> Add the students of beginners eligible for Discount/Free classes]
Create Plan [Studio Info -> Plans & Pricing -> New Plan eg name "Family and Friends" [Restrict option - select the newly created segment]
Create Pricing [Give the discounted price here or if its free, make the amount as "0". Ensure "Make it Public" is checked]
This way only the student who is in the segment would be able to view the Free/Discounted plan.
The above steps is a one time effort from your end and the students can keep renewing their subscriptions as and when they expire.
They would need to login and Click on "Fees" button -> Click on "Pay"
Their subscription would be created and they can go ahead and "Join" the classes
Steps: When you are giving to a specific student or once in a while
Create a manual subscription for this student with the amount as "0".
Please click on the here to create a manual subscription:[ Steps to create manual subscription to give free classes](https://practicenow.crisp.help/en/article/how-to-give-free-classes-for-students-rfp4nl/)
Please Note:
When your students clicks on "Pay" they would not be taken to RazorPay window when the amount is "0".
Updated on: 17/01/2023
Thank you!